YFU Hungary

Using multimedia

Multimedia. We hear this word several times a day from TV, radio, read in newspapers, etc., etc.

And it is very strange that despite this, many people do not know what it is, or know, but do not understand the full depth of this concept or all the benefits that it can bring.

Many business people, ranging from employees of large companies to small entrepreneurs, spend huge or very huge amounts of money on advertising their business in order to attract as many customers or partners as possible. But, using traditional means of presenting their products or activities to the broad masses of potential customers, many forget about innovations that are still widespread in few places, but due to their enormous capabilities, they are much more effective, informative and spectacular, compared with their familiar and, sometimes, already boring people, brethren. In addition, using, for example, traditional advertising in newspapers, radio and television requires significant costs, and constantly, day after day, month after month. And a once-created multimedia presentation will work for you for as long as you want, without any additional investments.

Let's look at at least a few areas in which the use of multimedia can bring tangible and incomparably greater results compared to its outdated counterparts. "At least a few" in this case was not uttered by chance, since it is simply impossible to list all the possibilities of multimedia, and it is comparable to if someone decided to list the variants of all musical melodies that can be created with the help of a piano.

1. Multimedia (electronic) presentations.

The use of multimedia presentations is one of the most vivid, spectacular, informative, effective and, most importantly, cost-effective ways to promote and inform about your products, services and brands.

Once you have created a multimedia presentation, you can use it in many ways and in various conditions.

These can be:

* information kiosks installed in the lobby of your office, in the branches or branches of your company, in the locations of the largest number of your potential customers, in the venues of exhibitions and targeted events, etc.

* Such kiosks can perform both advertising and informational functions. They can either play only videos informing the audience about your offers, or they can be interactive presentations through which the user can, for example, select the model of the car presented in your showroom, look at it from all sides and in all possible colors, see how it will look by clicking on the touch screen with various wheel discs, tuning parts, dashboard options, interior trim, etc., learn about payment options, delivery methods and deadlines, company history, sales statistics of this car brand over the past 100 years ... (further enumeration of possibilities may take more than one page). And that 's not all... Thus, an interactive kiosk replaces a human consultant, to whom you pay a salary every month. And it can be installed not only in your salon, but in any place where a significant number of your potential customers may be located.

* "Electronic business cards" - the size of an ordinary business card, but with an electronic presentation of your company recorded on it. Such a "business card" can become an incomparable tool for communicating with your potential client, which will certainly add solidity and presentability to your image, and most accurately, visually and effectively tell the client about you or your company, even in your absence.

* Large-format information panels in the form of a projection screen or plasma panel, placed in public places and showing dynamic visual and sound images, will undoubtedly attract attention and tell the largest number of people about you. You can place such panels in large supermarkets, shopping, exhibition, business centers, in general, wherever a significant number of your target audience can gather.

* Attachment to the product. A free application of an electronic multimedia presentation posted on various media to a product or service already purchased in your store, company, salon can become an unforgettable gift to your client, helping to leave a positive impression of cooperation with your company, and serve as a guarantee of the maximum probability of contacting you again, or continuing further cooperation.

* Screen savers. Using a multimedia presentation as a screensaver on computer monitors that turns on when the computer is idle for a while. Using this method in large companies, Internet cafes, offices, you can achieve the communication of your information to a large number of employees of these companies or centers, and in an unobtrusive form and for little money.

* Electronic (online) stores By installing information devices similar to the information kiosks already described above, it is possible to use them as independent electronic stores located in any place convenient for you, where there is an audience of interest to you and the ability to access the Internet. Anyone who does not come to your office or store can not only order or buy any product from the ones you offer by simply clicking on the right buttons or parts of the screen, but also get the most complete and comprehensive information about the product, choose the most convenient delivery method, see all certificates and documentation about it, get acquainted in advance with the instruction manual, and much more. And to do this, you do not need to open a new store, outlet, or branch of the company at all, with your staff, transport, retail and storage facilities, but simply install a rack in the right place. Agree that the difference in material costs is not comparable. https://mostbets-hu.com/